Quelli per me se li è proprio dimenticati.
Ancora nessun annuncio.
Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.
Anche il 308 è un altro capitolo buttato nel cesso.
Ma si degnerà di dare una spiegazione a qualcosa o vuole solamente trasformarlo in un manga hi-tech/trash/splatter?Originariamente inviato da IlValeno questa è una teoria che hanno inventato gli idioti, un po' come i ciccioni che dicono che grasso è bello.
Originariamente inviato da Draconi Visualizza il messaggiotrasformarlo in un manga hi-tech/trash/splatter?
Originariamente inviato da Draconi Visualizza il messaggioGiuro che mi ricordo un punto in cui era quasi serio.Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.
Oddio, definire serie le prime 2-3 missioni mi sembra esagerato.
Quelle erano solo da contorno a tette e culi.Originariamente inviato da IlValeno questa è una teoria che hanno inventato gli idioti, un po' come i ciccioni che dicono che grasso è bello.
Io invece le ho trovate adeguatamente grottesche e surreali da lasciar trasparire che, sotto sotto, forse c'era qualcosa di più profondo. Poi sono stato smentito.Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.
Originariamente inviato da Draconi Visualizza il messaggioGiuro che mi ricordo un punto in cui era quasi serio.
i capitoli precedenti a questi arrivi son riassumibili in tre parole : tette, culi e splatter.
i capitoli un pò successivi agli stessi arrivi son riassuminili in una parola : *****.