A Gothic Romance of Nightfall
Dusk fills the air...
Through thick fog over mountain peaks
And the mist that lingers above the ground
Creeping along as shadows invade
While I bleed sweet tears of solitude
In a saddened paradise of sorrow
Where the snow glistens in the moonlight
And the wilderness is mine...
Amid the whispering trees
Beyond valleys and deserts
With the sweet sound of silence
As the moonlight reveils a new dawn
Through the forest I enter amoung the lost
My heart is unhealed...
Uncertain if this enviroment fulfills my dreams
But certainly my agony
In silent nights of alas I roam
In a night filled with passion and doom
Here I thrive in a gothic romance...
Easily tempted and mournfully pained
Because from solitude I fell in love with dusk
To the enchanted lake of sorrow
To the mystical mountains of twilight
I stand on the cliffs and stair into the nightsky
While pondering thoughts of solitude invades
Waiting for the storm to carry me away
Vanish like dust in the wind...
While shadows cloak my being
And through this I enter immortality
As dusk captures thee with her embrace
And the moon guides my way to ********
An erotic journey in an Autumn night...
While dead leaves fall slow and graceful
And the cold lingers in the air to frost
Nightfall has taken thy hand and seduced thee with darkness
When together we grasp eternal dark beauty
From barren desert lands
To eternally black seas
My emotions have torn asunder...
To abandoned feilds bewildered of passion
But waterfalls so pure they intoxocate
Like taking a ride on the night's poetic embrace
While lightning chases thunder
And the clouds bring the rain
The ebon forest whispers thy name
In A Gothic Romance Of Nightfall.....
Copyright © 1997 Kevin Knipp All Rights Reserved
E' bellissima questa poesia (per chi mastica inglese per gli altri sarà un ammasso di parole strane)
Trovata per caso ma piaciuta subito
Dusk fills the air...
Through thick fog over mountain peaks
And the mist that lingers above the ground
Creeping along as shadows invade
While I bleed sweet tears of solitude
In a saddened paradise of sorrow
Where the snow glistens in the moonlight
And the wilderness is mine...
Amid the whispering trees
Beyond valleys and deserts
With the sweet sound of silence
As the moonlight reveils a new dawn
Through the forest I enter amoung the lost
My heart is unhealed...
Uncertain if this enviroment fulfills my dreams
But certainly my agony
In silent nights of alas I roam
In a night filled with passion and doom
Here I thrive in a gothic romance...
Easily tempted and mournfully pained
Because from solitude I fell in love with dusk
To the enchanted lake of sorrow
To the mystical mountains of twilight
I stand on the cliffs and stair into the nightsky
While pondering thoughts of solitude invades
Waiting for the storm to carry me away
Vanish like dust in the wind...
While shadows cloak my being
And through this I enter immortality
As dusk captures thee with her embrace
And the moon guides my way to ********
An erotic journey in an Autumn night...
While dead leaves fall slow and graceful
And the cold lingers in the air to frost
Nightfall has taken thy hand and seduced thee with darkness
When together we grasp eternal dark beauty
From barren desert lands
To eternally black seas
My emotions have torn asunder...
To abandoned feilds bewildered of passion
But waterfalls so pure they intoxocate
Like taking a ride on the night's poetic embrace
While lightning chases thunder
And the clouds bring the rain
The ebon forest whispers thy name
In A Gothic Romance Of Nightfall.....
Copyright © 1997 Kevin Knipp All Rights Reserved
E' bellissima questa poesia (per chi mastica inglese per gli altri sarà un ammasso di parole strane)
Trovata per caso ma piaciuta subito